
Buying + Selling, Home Renovation + New Construction Consulting

At NVision Realty Group, we offer more than basic real estate services. Our services extend further into the process than getting a home under contract.

Selling Homes – When we sell your home, our goal is to sell it quickly and for the highest dollar amount possible. We do this through a process – a consultation, a recommendation of decluttering and cosmetic changes, a photo shoot, a listing, showings, offers, and a closing.

Buying Homes – Purchasing a home is a very personal process. We desire to develop a relationship with each client so we can best understand their needs and desires. Next, we diligently search and find options that we believe would best fulfill our client’s wishes. Location, size, and style are a big part of the equation.

New Construction – Working with a builder can be intimidating. Often times it can feel as if the professionals are not looking out for your best interests, and that is where we come in. We have extended experience working with contractors and builders and now we come alongside our clients to help them build their home. We offer consulting services to communicated with the builder and help them get what they desire.

Home Renovation Consulting – Sometimes a client will find a home in their perfect location, but it is not exactly the home they are wanting. We work to get the best price for the home, knowing it needs work. We then can consult with our clients to gain an understanding of their needs and wants, develop a plan, and work with contractors to make the plan come to life.